
Laryngology is a subspecialty within otolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat) that focuses on disorders and injuries of the larynx, commonly referred to as the voice box. Located at the front of the neck, the larynx houses the vocal cords and is crucial for swallowing, sound production, and acting as the gateway to the windpipe, thus playing a vital role in maintaining the airway.

Many laryngeal disorders stem from injuries or strain to the vocal cords, which can result from speaking too loudly or too softly, smoking, frequent throat clearing, singing, excessive talking, screaming, or coughing. Over time, consistent vocal misuse and abuse can lead to permanent changes in vocal function and potentially result in the loss of voice.



Laryngeal diseases are typically diagnosed by an otolaryngologist or a laryngologist. The initial evaluation involves a physical examination, which may include the use of a mirror or scope to visualize the throat and larynx. Based on the patient’s symptoms, additional tests may be necessary, such as biopsies, imaging studies, or further endoscopic examinations.

If vocal cord paralysis is suspected, the doctor will confirm it with a scope examination. In some cases, a laryngeal electromyography (LEMG) may be ordered to measure the nerve input to the laryngeal muscles. This test can aid in diagnosing the condition and predicting the likelihood of vocal cord function recovery.



Treatments for laryngeal conditions vary based on the specific diagnosis. For issues stemming from vocal abuse, overuse, or misuse, treatment may be as simple as resting the voice. Voice or singing therapy, typically conducted by a speech-language pathologist, may also be recommended.

For laryngeal cancer, treatment options can include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a combination of these approaches. Surgery might also be necessary to address polyps, nodules, or cysts. Treatments for vocal cord or laryngeal conditions are highly individualized, taking into account the patient’s age, overall condition, and profession.


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